Dr. George Troullinos

Vice Chairman of the BoD & CEO

Dr. George Troullinos serves as Vice Chairman of the BoD and CEO of INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE), the leading Defense Company in Greece.

He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, and conducted Business Administration studies at Rice University, Houston, USA.

Dr. Troullinos joined INTRACOM, the leading telecommunications and electronics industry in Greece, in 1992 and formed the company’s Defense Communications Department. In January 1999, Dr. Troullinos was appointed General Manager of Defense Systems Division and in January 2006 was assigned CEO of the newly formed INTRACOM Defense Electronics.

His previous work experience includes a position as Member of Scientific Staff at Texas Instruments Inc., Houston, U.S.A. from 1985 to 1989 and a position as Principal Engineer at Digital Signals, Inc., Houston, U.S.A. from 1989 to 1991.

Dr. Troullinos has developed a number of telecommunications systems and applications and has published various papers in the areas of Automatic Control, Communications and Digital Signal Processing, in international scientific journals and fora, such as the IEEE Transactions and IEEE International Conferences. He was presented with the “President’s Fellowship”, the “Sigma Xi Award for Outstanding Research” and the “Sigma Xi Master of Science Award” and is a member of the Scientific Honour Societies “Tau Beta Pi”, “Eta Kappa Nu”, “Phi Kappa Phi” and “Gamma Beta Phi”.

Dr. Troullinos served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Aerospace Security and Defense Industries Group (HASDIG) from February 2010 until May 2018, and is a Member of the Board since the Group’s foundation in July 2000.


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