Terra Spatium S.A. is a Greek SME with several years of experience in the fields of communications, remote sensing, software development, R&D projects and participation in public tenders, expanding every year its presence on the Defense and Security sector in Greece and in Europe. Our vision is to extend our present activities and conquer new business domains such as satellite communications, unmanned vehicles and Internet of Things services.
Terra Spatium offers advanced solutions that expand in the whole range of Earth Observation for advanced markets and applications, creating added value for its customers through application specific processing, production and dissemination of all-source geospatial data.
Based on its proven capacity to provide dedicated imagery data and tailored Geo-information products, Terra Spatium builds-up towards the establishment of spatial knowledge management systems and user oriented Geo-services.
In the context of the Greek participation into the Satellite Project HELIOS II, Terra Spatium has undertaken the onsite industrial support of the Greek Satellite Ground Station as the AIRBUS Defense and Space subcontractor, since 2009. The main duties consist of:
- RF link and Antenna System maintenance,
- Hardware and software administration,
- Security Policy compliance &
- Military Staff Training.
Terra Spatium is dynamically active in the field of the European Defence Fund (EDF) programs where it has been awarded already two projects, “MIRICLE – Solutions to detect, identify, counter and protect against mine threats” and “EPC – Integration of UXV capabilities and SATCOM technology allowing the remote control of operations in extended geographical range”.